About Me

My photo
New York, NY
Young lady with oversized dreams and a heart built of the fight for love. I've got heroes for family and legends for friends. Got faith as food and a Father that's radical. And in all, MUSIC IS DREAMY.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

If my blog was puppy, it would be DEAD.

It's been 4 months since my last post.        really?  

I'm gonna blame it on the fast pace of this new NYC life just so I won't blame it on my laziness. I had really set it in mind that I was gonna make some time for this thing right here. Never happened.
SO much has happened within these four months and indeed it's WAY TOO MUCH to write.
So here's a compact version of what's been going on.......

I LOVE NYC! and by grace, I've made it.

I still live here...

I now nanny the coolest kids in BK. Their level of cuteness is out of this world AND not to mention that the parents rock! (huge plus in this nanny business)


Have met THE best people. They're nothing but legends.


(bloody oath! it was about time)

I am now a part of this and it is UNBELIEVABLE!

Working my music into a cause that is beyond amazing.

And then there's this...

5 months in, don't know how many to go.
Things are ridiculously amazing.
And it's only the beginning.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Where have I gone?  


Wednesday, October 12, 2011


A long, long time ago there was a man named David. 
David would worship, then worship some more, and then keep worshiping. 
Good days, bad days, he would just worship.
And what better way to rid of sorrows than through lyrics of praise?
Instead of keeping each sorrow, maybe I should just trade it for a Psalm.

A dose of Psalm everyday it is!

Hard seasons come and go. There are days where we can't wait to wake up and start the day, while there are days where right in bed, under the blanket, is the place to be.
As of right now, I'm living in the big city with little knowledge of my surroundings and the people in it. Let's say that I've just been thrown into a dark room where I can't see a thing, and have no clue what's to happen with me in it. Not only am I blind by darkness, but can't hear a thing cause fear is so loud it's almost deafening. I wish I could just crawl into a ball and sit in the corner. But that won't help.

So maybe if I stand up, wave my arms around, and keep moving around, I can get a sense of what's around me. I might bump into a few things here and there, but at least I'll learn where I am. Maybe if I yell really loud, I'll scare fear away and get it to shut up. I might work up my voice a little too much in the fight, but that'll just strengthen my vocal chords.

Either way, I can't give up while in the dark. 
If I leave while it's dark I'll never get to see when it's light.

Monday, October 10, 2011

family's for life

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Welcome to my humble abode.

Exactly 10 days ago I made my way to NY having no home to call my own.
Living the life of a newborn in this city, I stayed at a friend's house 
where I was welcomed to stay until I found my own home.
I was taken in by good -hearted people who provided a roof over my head with a comfy bed and food to eat. Though grateful, I could not wait to find a little place of my own. 
After days of searching and meeting possible roommates, God sent my way this place.
A beautiful brownstone house, where on the second floor I have a space of my own where I can let my hair down, escape from long days, and have some time to myself. Room enough to store the little but precious things I own. Room filled with enough sunlight to bring warmth and comfort. 
A place that came at the right time, through the right means, not to mention with the right roommates.
The city is wild and alive, and I love it for it. 
But there's nothing like the peace and serenity that comes from being home.
Don't know how long I'll be here, but cannot be more thankful for what I've been given.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I want/need an all day marathon of Will S. in his good old days.
The kind where I stay in my bed stuffing chocolate/popcorn into my mouth while I watch him say things like this 
from AM till PM.

Well, I'm here.

I'ts been two weeks already.
Ten days ago the opportunity was sent from heaven and I took it like a shot.
The door was now wide opened, and I walked right in, no hesitation.
It was fast, unexpected, most would say ludicrous, and it hit me like a big bus.
But I'm here. I've never been so scared, but have never been so at peace.
So much to learn and to soak in, but my heart wants the challenge. It needs it.
The happenings of these two weeks have too many details for an elaborate entry, so I'm just gonna leave it at this:

God's been on the look out, and I've been taken care of every second of this journey. I feel that I'm right in place, and right in His plan, and...

I'm smiling really big right now.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

It had been two years since I'd seen you. Those traditional summer visits I made you every year kept us close for a season and thickened that knot that ties together our friendship. We both grew, the responsibilities increased, and the vacations decreased. For a while neither of us had the time or means to reunite. Distance kept us apart for a long time, leaving conversations short, and leaving me to think that this friendship might just become a stored memory.

Boy was I wrong.

Five days ago I spied from a distance the same tall, beautiful, loving soul that I spent my childhood years with and made my way towards her. She hugged me like a mama bear, and I felt the same big sister love that I've known for many years. Our nicknames still reflected fondness, our laughs were still based on my stupidity, our dance moves were still legit, and our time together was still precious. Time didn't change a thing, and distance had no darn say in this friendship. I love your 20 year old self in the same way I loved your 12 year old self. But I love you more now then those days before, for my love has grown with the years, and the insistence I have for your happiness has grown with it. I don't wish you happiness, I demand on it. I insist on a heart filled with love, days filled with peace and contentment, faith to guide you, and the Father to comfort you. I will push you towards your dreams, expect nothing but great things, love you no matter what, and pray for you with all my strength. No matter which way life takes us, there will always be those strings that connect our hearts. Those strings that don't require words or physical presence to keep a strong tie. They're just there cause they're meant to be. They're just there cause God keeps tying them tighter and tighter as they're about to break or turn loose. 

Nanda, you're a gift.
I don't return or exchange my gifts, especially the one's sent by God Himself.
So I'm keeping you. 
I'm keeping you close.
So distance can SUCK IT!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I am very fond of this

Monday, July 25, 2011

There are certain things in life God 
has called us to be. 
Being silent is not one of them.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

It's hard to live in a world where the girl to your left gets a glance and a notice worthy of her beauty and the the girl to your right just gets called plain beautiful. And while this world of complements happens around you, all you're doing is sitting there wondering why the effort to dress nicely or the makeup on your face does nothing but make you the other girl who's just there. It hurts when no man has ever called you beautiful. It hurts when you thought you were pretty, but the people around you always seem to be a step ahead on that department. It hurts when people don't remember you. And it sucks to not enjoy being out, meeting new people, taking pictures, when you feel nothing but uncomfortable and unsure of yourself. Don't get me wrong, I don't think I'm ugly or hideous and I have no desire to end my life due to the uncertainty I have in myself and my appearance. It's about the lack of felling happiness and freedom within myself to enjoy the moments and people around me. And even though it seems like the problem is what people around me think and say of me, it's not. That shouldn't matter, that's irrelevant. No matter what people say or think, they cannot, in no possible way, have control over the person you are. The only opinion that can shape your thoughts is yours and the opinion that comes from the One who created you. And that's it. It's all about you being happy with yourself and just enjoy being. My problem is not that I don't get complemented enough by others, it's that I fail to see myself for the beautiful girl that I am. And when I look at myself through the wrong eyes, I let my failing thoughts slowly kill the beautiful person, inside and out, that I was made to be. It's not the end of me though. I am not done with this. It's just a wrong direction I seem to keep taking, but something I will keep fighting against. And I'm not the only female out here that seems to make the same mistake. There's too many beautiful girls out there who have not been told so and who have not told themselves so. And they are freakin' beautiful..all of them are. 
And I'll be damned if I don't use my God given life to tell them so.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Water Changes Everything

Take a look at this and look into supporting. Clean water can really change the lives of many. For those who are blessed to have more than enough of this simple necessity, look into changing the lives of those who don't. Clean water can change so much the life of a person in need of it. Let's get on it people!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Last night I went to bed with a heavy mind and an aching heart. 
My body's reaction was to do nothing but shed tears.
Helpless, I spoke to God and asked Him to please take the burden away for I could not take it anymore.
I fell sleep.
I was given a funny dream.
I woke up laughing.
I had a good day.
It was as simple and loving as that.

He hears me out and makes sure to turn my frowns upside down.
I not only have a savior, but I also have a glorious friend.
And that's the God I serve.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Uncle Paco and I are the same when it comes to musical mistakes, 
but he's much more adorable than I will ever be. 

Monday, July 4, 2011

I look forward to you.
HARD DAY...sort of lonely.
          (let's start over tomorrow)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

It's pretty common in life to have some really pulling-at-the-nerves-blood-rushing-through-your-head -wanting-to-yell-with-rage-stressful moments. Yours might not be as intense as this sounds, but mine are pretty much like this. My temperament just seems to get tested often, and I seem to fail these tests a lot. A bothering situation makes me uncomfortable and insecure, pushing the limits of my patience till I'm at the point where a little drizzle of rain turns into a raging storm. It happens, that's for sure. But what's important to watch out is how you handle it. You can either rage and let the stress build up, or you can look at the brighter side of things being happy for what's there and not sad for what's not. Most important, be sure to watch out for what words you let out of your mouth whenever it is that your upset or angry. 
I'm not the most rational person when it comes to handling stress, and I'm afraid that this past week I really hurt some people by the way I acted and what I said. In the midst of an uncomfortable situation, I let my insecurities build up until I became angered and extremely stressed. Amongst the stress I became hostile, rude, and hurtful towards the ones that have great love for me. And now, I can't take anything back as much as I wish I could. It's pretty heart breaking and shameful to hurt the ones who love and tolerate you. If I had only took a second to breath and realize how much I should be thankful and content for and forgotten everything else things would've gone much differently. Oh well....now I'm left with some regret but a lesson learned. Thankful for a Father that's forgiving, a family that's there no matter what, and praying for a friend to still want me as a future roommate.

Don't let moments of anger take control...take a few minutes, breath in deep, take a brake from yourself, consider what/who's around, and be content...be at peace. 

my goodness, girl is good at what she does.

Here's to the week I got to spend in FL in full vacation mode. 
And here's me hoping that there will be more of those in the future.

this subject came up today in a conversation I had with a friend and right away made me think of this post I made a while ago on tumblr. So now I shall transfer it to my dear blog.
Yesterday I had the chance to spend time with dear friends. It was not like all other times I normally spend with them, but it was now the time where I would once again say goodbye to the ones I love. Since birth God has constantly been moving my family and I from one place to another. I have never understood the reasons behind His will. But as I grow, time passes by, my home changes location, and He continually reveals little by little the reasons and mysteries behind His will. Yesterday as I got to spend time with my friends I realized how blessed I was. I was given time to meet and interact with wonderful people, no doubt put in my life by God. It was the people he put in my path that I learned from. No matter how good or bad the memories were, I have learned. The people we surround ourselves with take part in our growth. The passionate ones teach us about love. The dedicated ones teach us about perseverance. The joyful ones teach us about happiness. The caring ones teach us about affection. The quiet ones teach us about listening. The understanding ones teach us about acceptance. The humble ones teach us about forgiveness. The honest ones teach us about trust. The lonely ones teach us that we need each other. The ones who fail teach us to never give up. The brokenhearted teach us that yes, we feel. The faithful ones teach us to pray. Different faces and personalities clashing together to form relationships, no doubt, bound by the heavenly Father Himself. I will cherish every moment, I will store them in my heart, and I will remember them in the moments of happiness and in the moments of anguish. Each memory given to console and help us grow emotionally and spiritually. Every time my family and I pack up our home in boxes and migrate to a new location, I realize that what I have left behind are only the moments given to me by God and the people put in my life through Him. May we cherish every person we meet and hold on to the moments we spend with them. And that we may not point and pick out the people we think should take part in our lives, but that in our prayers we may ask God to be the one who points and picks out the people that should take part in our lives.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I've made it evident to my own self that I concentrate too much on being enough. I do what I can to raise myself up so that I can be something of worth in this world. The thought of incompleteness and insufficiency linger in my mind constantly to the point that they into a hammer that continuously hammers to the ground any sort of contentment I long for. It needs to stop. On the base of it all I need to know that in no such way should I be trying to build myself up, but should be raising up the one who loved me enough to lay down His own life for mine. And in no way should I let my own mind degrade my soul. 
I am of worth. So much that God sent His only child to die for me so I could be spared of loneliness and shame. I am completely useless to Him. He does not need me. But knowing that I need Him, He laid down his life. His unconditional love found worth in me and without hesitation fought for my freedom. All I am in this world counts as loss, for what I am in Him and through Him is the lifeline connecting me to the  peace and contentment my soul longs for. So I continue to lay my life in His hands and let Him decide what I need to be or not. And it's ok for me not to be enough, cause what I'm not, He is

J.H. Vincent

"He was Himself forsaken 
that none of His children 
might ever need to utter 
His cry of loneliness."

Monday, May 16, 2011

you are so missed...can we please reunite?

Man of my dreams, take note.
This song's got my name on it, and it's the most beautiful thing.
Hint, hint.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

yeah attitude

A couple of weeks ago guest pastor, James MacDonald, senior pastor of Harvest Bible Church in Chicago, preached at my church. He preached a powerful word and God used him to speak to all the hearts. Also, never have I laughed so much during a sermon like I did during his! At the end of the service our pastor made it known that Pr James MacDonald had brought some materials with him and they were available for purchase. I felt a strong urge to go look and get me a good book, cause if his written words were half as good as his spoken words then I needed one of his books. There were a couple available, but one that caught my attention was "Lord, Change My Attitude Before It's Too Late." ...ummm, title made for me! At first I wasn't sure whether to get this or another but as soon as I showed my friends both books and asked for options, they immediately agreed that the attitude one was definitely for me, showing that I really was in need of reading this...and man was it not a book sent from God. After reading Pr MacDonald's words I basically realized why I felt so much like my life was like a wilderness...it's cause it was! Food for the spirit and mind, this book teaches of the importance of attitudes in out lives. The importance of being thankful for the small things and trusting upon God with all you have. I have learned to replace old destructive attitudes with new ones that reflect love, contentment, and humility. Not only have I kept these words in mind and hard but have also put them into action in my life...and boy has my perspective in life changed. As I change my attitude, my days become better, my mind cleared of doubt, and my heart cleared of all fear. Got to say that God really took care of me with this book and brought fresh knowledge and perspective which I really, really needed. I have already recommended this book to many and keep telling many about it! God really used Pr James MacDonald through the words of this book, and I'm truly thankful that He gave me the change to read these words of wisdom right when I needed them! so thankful!

And you know what??? It really is about A T T I T U D E..and you can run and tell that, homeboy!

Monday, May 9, 2011

a birthday weekend


It has definitely been a while that I haven't posted. NOT good. I like posting and not being inspired for a couple of days or weeks is not fun...well, now that I've successfully logged on I will now post about my birthday :D On April 21st I officially left my teen years and turned 20. To be honest, I did not expect for this past birthday to be much fun. I knew I would be hanging out with friends doing something, somewhere to celebrate and that would be it. Well, I believe God had a little bit more in mind for me. It was that weekend that I once again realized that God put the right people for the right purpose in my life, and it was that weekend that God drew out a little bit more of dream that's been in the making inside my heart. Up above are pictures taken during that amazing weekend. In reality there were many taken, but here are some favorites.
But here's what went down on the birthday to remember.....

My birthday would be on a Thursday, so on Wednesday my friends took me out to dance the night into my birthday, filled me with gifts, cake, birthday wishes, and I gotta say it was pretty sweet cause at one point during the night a new acquaintance got a small crowd to sing a cheerful "Happy Birthday to you!!" just for me. Loved it! It was a short but very sweet night....the best was to come the next day and the rest of the weekend. I unfortunately had to work all day on my birthday but no complaints here cause the coworkers filled me with love, birthday wishes, and a 2nd birthday cake! And at home I got a 3rd one from my loving family. But after that the best came...me and my best friend went on the most spontaneous, adventurous, cheapest, trip to the beautiful NYC. We spend 2 days in the city where all we did was walk, explore, and contemplate on a city filled with different beauties, cultures, and people. I got to do some special things during those days in the city. Don't really want to name all of them, but all I have to say is that I made a special visit to a place I've dreamed of visiting for many years. Got to experience what I've dreamed of experiencing, and got to feel what I've dreamed of feeling. I honestly have no words to describe this trip. All I can do is be thankful that God gave me the opportunities He did that weekend and that He placed in my life the most wonderful friend who was willing to go on this adventure with me. We eventually had to return to NC, to a reality that we are more than thankful for. But I DO say that I left my heart there in NYC, and am truly hoping and praying to be back very soon...maybe for good...who knows?...God does...so I'll keep on praying.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Dear Isabela,
Since you have not logged out of your blogger, which doesn't make sense anyways since it's your computer, this is the perfect opportunity for me to leave you a little something on here. Yesterday was Wednesday, tomorrow is Friday, and today is your fucking birthday, bitch! Excuse my French. I am very happy that I got to dance into your new decade with you last night and am even more stoked about heading to the city that never sleeps tonight. But unlike New York, I'm definitely going to sleep. On the bus. I love you very much and you will always have a very special place in my heart. 

Signing out, 
Brothers and Bitches Together.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I just need to let your beautiful self know how much I appreciate you. Today at your house I once again had that feeling I often get, the realization of how I blessed I am to have you. My birthday is not even here yet and your already putting so much effort into it, not only carefully planning everything, but also getting yourself into this out-of-nowhere trip I asked you to take with me. It's actually been kind of scary to think that I am walking into this new age not knowing how things will unfold in the near future. But having you here makes things less scary and more of a laughter filled-hip shakin-crazy dancing-bumpin party. I am so very thankful for you. My prayer is that we're kept close for the years to come and that they be filled with memories. So thankful for you girl. I await for this weekend with a smile upon my face and much much much excitement, and cannot be happier that I get to spend this birthday on what I would call the most spontaneous trip I've ever planned. So thankful, and so ready cause it's about to get real this weekend....seriously.

Friday, April 15, 2011

I have missed you this year, but I have hope for the next to come----->COACHELLA

wisdom in a cup.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

my wish to you.

If I close my eyes and take my thoughts to you I can easily smile. It was often that we laughed together and we constantly shared secrets. Our friendship came out of nowhere and was born out of thin air. Little close friends we shared, and though we cannot rely on our first impressions, it is obvious that there was some thin line that God connected between both our hearts to ensure the life of our present friendship. Forgiveness I ask, for I may have failed many times. My fault for sometimes using the wrong words or acting at faulty ways towards you or our friendship. My fault for letting situations and words coming from the outside influence me. But though I may fail or let things fade with distance, I insist on your happiness. I have seen the good that your loving and caring heart is capable of. I have seen you ignore your own well being to service others. You generously give and have no fear to love. Not to mention that you're a life that is visibly used by the Father. So I insist on your happiness. I insist that you have a mind at peace, a spirit filled with strength, and a heart filled with true love. I insist that you be surrounded by people who treat you with the love and respect you need and deserve, and who daily speak words of wisdom and give their all to lift your spirits. For your future, I insist on something big, bright, planned by God. For your life companion, I insist on someone specially separated for you who is kind and respectful, and a true companion who does nothing but fill your life with love and smiles. I insist on a life close to the one above who has so lovingly cared for you from the time you were in your mother's womb till today. It is often that I wish I had a God given consent to seriously punch the people that hurt the ones I love. Oh friend, how much I have wanted to punch for you. But I need to love those I want to punch, and that's all I can do. Tempests come and storms are part of this life, but it is a promise from above that the sun will rise and the light will shine upon your face, so keep your faith. My heart is happy when yours is. And this I will always insist upon. This will always be my prayer.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

out of the treasure chest...

Good old childhood, I treasure the memories and store them in heart. I continue to miss your innocent ways and the time spent without care or worry. Time filled with laughter and tender love, and the most important people, whom I still keep around.

----> click here for the LIVE VERSION OF THE STORY OF MY LIFE.

Love, Destiny, and Organ Donors.

    Never Let Me Go.....a group of children birthed by an idea, raised for a sole purpose, and destined to live short lives. Lives without the need for a soul. Lives who are only valued for their bodies.
This is the story of three helpless kids who all live for the same purpose, to grow until they reach the age where they are able to donate all of their organs to the point where they have nothing left, until they reach death. The story of a love that is broken by jealousy, but then united by a tragic destiny.

After seeing the trailer for this movie, it was right away that I told myself that I had to see this. I rented it as soon as I could and watched it in my most favorite place and my most comfortable mode...in my room, by myself, in my pajamas, under my blanket. I first thought this would be a straight up love story with that type of romance cheesiness that I am unfortunately attracted too. But it turns out to be the story about three kids who are born to become organ donors, and who have no choice but to die young. In the midst of this crazy plot, there's the story of the true love between a boy and a girl. A love that is broken up by the jealousy but in the end is reunited for only a second before it's time to face death. The movie's setting was simply beautiful, the scenes where amazing, and I personally love all the actors. I admit that it was a out of the ordinary plot and that most of the time things did not make any sense. Even as I watched it a second time with friends, I was told that it was a weird movie, and not that sad. But I still managed to  shed some serious tears watching it. It was a different and unique movie, even out of the ordinary. But I consider my thoughts, circumstances, and feelings to be different, unique, and even out of the ordinary. It's movies like this that make absolutely no sense at all that I tend to relate tand remember the most. It was the weirdest movies that taught me that yes, us humans make mistakes. Mistakes that can lead to the loss of something or someone we love. It taught me that we should value the life that we have and live for greater purposes. Taught me that we should fix our messes, ask for forgiveness, and make things right. Aaahh....I feel like I'm talking too much about this one movie. But for me, it was one heck of a movie.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

So the current plan is to celebrate my 20 years of life by exploring this jungle. 
Until then I will contemplate on these images I captured the last time I visited the city.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Look up.

Laid my eyes upon this photo today and realized that I'm used to living my days by doing what I have to do to reach that point of awesomeness in my life. I should just take a moment to look at the beautiful blue sky I live under, the greens that produce the fresh air I survive on, the sunshine that changes colors and illuminates the sky through the day, the moon and it's fellow stars that bring light upon the night, the colors that create life in every place I go, and the people who are the life of this world, each with their own unique beauties and personalities. There's no other planet in the universe that sustains the life and souls which Earth has. No other planet was created my a maker who's endless love covers his creations like the warmest and most comfortable blanket. I say we all need some silence in our lives so we can look up and realize that yes, life is awesome.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

i left my heart in Charleston.

I feel the absolute need to make a post about the best three days I've had in a longtime. Stephanie + Hboan + Maria + cherry red honda fit + bags full of snacks + beach +cheap hotel + maps + camera+ rental bikes + Charleston = __________ (sum not reachable...it's too good of an equation...there were no words in the dictionary good enough to describe this.) It was a weekend filled with laughter and moments that belong in a picture perfect photo album. We drove to the beautiful city of Charleston, blasting music during the ride where we would sing our hearts out or pass time with a good conversation. The first day was spent on the beach, where the cool wind and the cold water told us to ignore our swimsuits but could not keep us from stretching out a blanket in the sand and take a much needed nap under the warm sun. Our nights were spent at a very cheap motel with not enough mirrors and no blow drier, but just enough room to contain four of the most craziest females in this world. Our night into town consisted of sushi ( yeees!), and a cafe which so happened to have the best hot chocolate out there! Day number 2 consisted of exploring a historical city which I have now on my list as one of my new favorite places. There was shopping, then biking around town, gettin' some wild wings, and heading to the candy store where we could find about everything covered in the most delicious chocolate fudge out there. Three days wasn't long enough, but it was enough. This weekend is one for the books and I'm ready to start planning for the next trip!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Explosions In The Sky

Last night me and and good friends went to see Explosions In The Sky in concert. We all went with the expectations that it would be a good show. We all left the venue basically blown away and speechless of how amazing this band is. The show took place in Amos' Southern in uptown Charlotte and it was completely packed. We were lucky to be up front and to have a close view, hence this really good shot that one of my friends was able to get! But I gotta say that whether you were up front close to the stage or all the way in the back, you could feel the energy coming from the instruments, drifting from the speakers into the ears and vibrating the heart with a mixture of beats and melodies. Never have I seen a band put so much into show like Explosions In The Sky. All 4 members really gave all they could until the point of exhaustion where they had nothing left to give. At certain points during the show I would look around and observe the people around me. Everyone there so different from each other. People of different ages, styles, area, interests, but all there for one sole purpose. No matter how different I was from the person to my right or left, as soon as the band started playing, we were al moving to the same beat and drifting amongst the same sound. This is what music is about. This is what music should do. This is what music should feel like. 
I've been blown away by Explosions In The Sky.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Delta on my mind.

So a while ago one of my favorite artists tweeted about a song called White Table by a band called Delta Spirit. I didn't really pay much attention until later I saw it once again in a friend's itunes. Made then the decision to sync their tunes into my ipod and now I'm in love. The instrumentals are sick, their voices are one of a kind, and their lyrics are redonkulous. Here are two of my favorite songs from their new album titled History from Below, my favorite being ,hands down, "Devil Knows You're Dead".
I'm hooked to these Delta men and their music!

A lil' bit of this, a lil' bit of that

Well hello to the world of blogger and to this new little corner of web I'm happy to call my own. Don't know how far this will go, how consistent I will be with this, or how many people it will reach, but regardless of this, having a little place to place my thoughts is pretty suhweeet :)
Here's a little bit of me to start this off...my name's Isabela, my dearest ones call me Bela or any of the million nicknames that can be made of my name. In exactly 19 days I will officially leave my teen years and turn 20. I was born in beautiful Brazil but have lived and grown in the States for many years, currently residing in Charlotte, NC. My family and friends are the greatest blessings in my life and key contributors to the person that I am today.
I'm forever inspired by the message of love and dependent on the one who created me and who I lay my faith upon.
Movies, romantic novels, rainy days, chocolates, and road trips are just a few of my favorite things.
The biggest of them all being the lovely sounds of music. I find perfect contentment in writing lyrics accompanied by the sounds of acoustic guitars and piano keys. I believe in the inspirations that music plants in people's hearts and I only dream to grow old on a stage where I can win fellow hearts to my own with the sounds of my instruments and tone of my voice.
Sign me up for anything that involves adventure and that guarantees hysterical laughter.
Ok that wasn't a little bit of me, that was a lot....oh well, here I go.