About Me

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New York, NY
Young lady with oversized dreams and a heart built of the fight for love. I've got heroes for family and legends for friends. Got faith as food and a Father that's radical. And in all, MUSIC IS DREAMY.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Explosions In The Sky

Last night me and and good friends went to see Explosions In The Sky in concert. We all went with the expectations that it would be a good show. We all left the venue basically blown away and speechless of how amazing this band is. The show took place in Amos' Southern in uptown Charlotte and it was completely packed. We were lucky to be up front and to have a close view, hence this really good shot that one of my friends was able to get! But I gotta say that whether you were up front close to the stage or all the way in the back, you could feel the energy coming from the instruments, drifting from the speakers into the ears and vibrating the heart with a mixture of beats and melodies. Never have I seen a band put so much into show like Explosions In The Sky. All 4 members really gave all they could until the point of exhaustion where they had nothing left to give. At certain points during the show I would look around and observe the people around me. Everyone there so different from each other. People of different ages, styles, area, interests, but all there for one sole purpose. No matter how different I was from the person to my right or left, as soon as the band started playing, we were al moving to the same beat and drifting amongst the same sound. This is what music is about. This is what music should do. This is what music should feel like. 
I've been blown away by Explosions In The Sky.