About Me

- isabelazevedo
- New York, NY
- Young lady with oversized dreams and a heart built of the fight for love. I've got heroes for family and legends for friends. Got faith as food and a Father that's radical. And in all, MUSIC IS DREAMY.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
A lil' bit of this, a lil' bit of that
Well hello to the world of blogger and to this new little corner of web I'm happy to call my own. Don't know how far this will go, how consistent I will be with this, or how many people it will reach, but regardless of this, having a little place to place my thoughts is pretty suhweeet :)
Here's a little bit of me to start this off...my name's Isabela, my dearest ones call me Bela or any of the million nicknames that can be made of my name. In exactly 19 days I will officially leave my teen years and turn 20. I was born in beautiful Brazil but have lived and grown in the States for many years, currently residing in Charlotte, NC. My family and friends are the greatest blessings in my life and key contributors to the person that I am today.
I'm forever inspired by the message of love and dependent on the one who created me and who I lay my faith upon.
Movies, romantic novels, rainy days, chocolates, and road trips are just a few of my favorite things.
The biggest of them all being the lovely sounds of music. I find perfect contentment in writing lyrics accompanied by the sounds of acoustic guitars and piano keys. I believe in the inspirations that music plants in people's hearts and I only dream to grow old on a stage where I can win fellow hearts to my own with the sounds of my instruments and tone of my voice.
Sign me up for anything that involves adventure and that guarantees hysterical laughter.
Ok that wasn't a little bit of me, that was a lot....oh well, here I go.