About Me

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New York, NY
Young lady with oversized dreams and a heart built of the fight for love. I've got heroes for family and legends for friends. Got faith as food and a Father that's radical. And in all, MUSIC IS DREAMY.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

It had been two years since I'd seen you. Those traditional summer visits I made you every year kept us close for a season and thickened that knot that ties together our friendship. We both grew, the responsibilities increased, and the vacations decreased. For a while neither of us had the time or means to reunite. Distance kept us apart for a long time, leaving conversations short, and leaving me to think that this friendship might just become a stored memory.

Boy was I wrong.

Five days ago I spied from a distance the same tall, beautiful, loving soul that I spent my childhood years with and made my way towards her. She hugged me like a mama bear, and I felt the same big sister love that I've known for many years. Our nicknames still reflected fondness, our laughs were still based on my stupidity, our dance moves were still legit, and our time together was still precious. Time didn't change a thing, and distance had no darn say in this friendship. I love your 20 year old self in the same way I loved your 12 year old self. But I love you more now then those days before, for my love has grown with the years, and the insistence I have for your happiness has grown with it. I don't wish you happiness, I demand on it. I insist on a heart filled with love, days filled with peace and contentment, faith to guide you, and the Father to comfort you. I will push you towards your dreams, expect nothing but great things, love you no matter what, and pray for you with all my strength. No matter which way life takes us, there will always be those strings that connect our hearts. Those strings that don't require words or physical presence to keep a strong tie. They're just there cause they're meant to be. They're just there cause God keeps tying them tighter and tighter as they're about to break or turn loose. 

Nanda, you're a gift.
I don't return or exchange my gifts, especially the one's sent by God Himself.
So I'm keeping you. 
I'm keeping you close.
So distance can SUCK IT!!