It's pretty common in life to have some really pulling-at-the-nerves-blood-rushing-through-your-head -wanting-to-yell-with-rage-stressful moments. Yours might not be as intense as this sounds, but mine are pretty much like this. My temperament just seems to get tested often, and I seem to fail these tests a lot. A bothering situation makes me uncomfortable and insecure, pushing the limits of my patience till I'm at the point where a little drizzle of rain turns into a raging storm. It happens, that's for sure. But what's important to watch out is how you handle it. You can either rage and let the stress build up, or you can look at the brighter side of things being happy for what's there and not sad for what's not. Most important, be sure to watch out for what words you let out of your mouth whenever it is that your upset or angry.
I'm not the most rational person when it comes to handling stress, and I'm afraid that this past week I really hurt some people by the way I acted and what I said. In the midst of an uncomfortable situation, I let my insecurities build up until I became angered and extremely stressed. Amongst the stress I became hostile, rude, and hurtful towards the ones that have great love for me. And now, I can't take anything back as much as I wish I could. It's pretty heart breaking and shameful to hurt the ones who love and tolerate you. If I had only took a second to breath and realize how much I should be thankful and content for and forgotten everything else things would've gone much differently. Oh I'm left with some regret but a lesson learned. Thankful for a Father that's forgiving, a family that's there no matter what, and praying for a friend to still want me as a future roommate.
Don't let moments of anger take control...take a few minutes, breath in deep, take a brake from yourself, consider what/who's around, and be at peace.