I've made it evident to my own self that I concentrate too much on being enough. I do what I can to raise myself up so that I can be something of worth in this world. The thought of incompleteness and insufficiency linger in my mind constantly to the point that they into a hammer that continuously hammers to the ground any sort of contentment I long for. It needs to stop. On the base of it all I need to know that in no such way should I be trying to build myself up, but should be raising up the one who loved me enough to lay down His own life for mine. And in no way should I let my own mind degrade my soul.
I am of worth. So much that God sent His only child to die for me so I could be spared of loneliness and shame. I am completely useless to Him. He does not need me. But knowing that I need Him, He laid down his life. His unconditional love found worth in me and without hesitation fought for my freedom. All I am in this world counts as loss, for what I am in Him and through Him is the lifeline connecting me to the peace and contentment my soul longs for. So I continue to lay my life in His hands and let Him decide what I need to be or not. And it's ok for me not to be enough, cause what I'm not, He is.