About Me

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New York, NY
Young lady with oversized dreams and a heart built of the fight for love. I've got heroes for family and legends for friends. Got faith as food and a Father that's radical. And in all, MUSIC IS DREAMY.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

It's hard to live in a world where the girl to your left gets a glance and a notice worthy of her beauty and the the girl to your right just gets called plain beautiful. And while this world of complements happens around you, all you're doing is sitting there wondering why the effort to dress nicely or the makeup on your face does nothing but make you the other girl who's just there. It hurts when no man has ever called you beautiful. It hurts when you thought you were pretty, but the people around you always seem to be a step ahead on that department. It hurts when people don't remember you. And it sucks to not enjoy being out, meeting new people, taking pictures, when you feel nothing but uncomfortable and unsure of yourself. Don't get me wrong, I don't think I'm ugly or hideous and I have no desire to end my life due to the uncertainty I have in myself and my appearance. It's about the lack of felling happiness and freedom within myself to enjoy the moments and people around me. And even though it seems like the problem is what people around me think and say of me, it's not. That shouldn't matter, that's irrelevant. No matter what people say or think, they cannot, in no possible way, have control over the person you are. The only opinion that can shape your thoughts is yours and the opinion that comes from the One who created you. And that's it. It's all about you being happy with yourself and just enjoy being. My problem is not that I don't get complemented enough by others, it's that I fail to see myself for the beautiful girl that I am. And when I look at myself through the wrong eyes, I let my failing thoughts slowly kill the beautiful person, inside and out, that I was made to be. It's not the end of me though. I am not done with this. It's just a wrong direction I seem to keep taking, but something I will keep fighting against. And I'm not the only female out here that seems to make the same mistake. There's too many beautiful girls out there who have not been told so and who have not told themselves so. And they are freakin' beautiful..all of them are. 
And I'll be damned if I don't use my God given life to tell them so.