About Me

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New York, NY
Young lady with oversized dreams and a heart built of the fight for love. I've got heroes for family and legends for friends. Got faith as food and a Father that's radical. And in all, MUSIC IS DREAMY.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Love, Destiny, and Organ Donors.

    Never Let Me Go.....a group of children birthed by an idea, raised for a sole purpose, and destined to live short lives. Lives without the need for a soul. Lives who are only valued for their bodies.
This is the story of three helpless kids who all live for the same purpose, to grow until they reach the age where they are able to donate all of their organs to the point where they have nothing left, until they reach death. The story of a love that is broken by jealousy, but then united by a tragic destiny.

After seeing the trailer for this movie, it was right away that I told myself that I had to see this. I rented it as soon as I could and watched it in my most favorite place and my most comfortable mode...in my room, by myself, in my pajamas, under my blanket. I first thought this would be a straight up love story with that type of romance cheesiness that I am unfortunately attracted too. But it turns out to be the story about three kids who are born to become organ donors, and who have no choice but to die young. In the midst of this crazy plot, there's the story of the true love between a boy and a girl. A love that is broken up by the jealousy but in the end is reunited for only a second before it's time to face death. The movie's setting was simply beautiful, the scenes where amazing, and I personally love all the actors. I admit that it was a out of the ordinary plot and that most of the time things did not make any sense. Even as I watched it a second time with friends, I was told that it was a weird movie, and not that sad. But I still managed to  shed some serious tears watching it. It was a different and unique movie, even out of the ordinary. But I consider my thoughts, circumstances, and feelings to be different, unique, and even out of the ordinary. It's movies like this that make absolutely no sense at all that I tend to relate tand remember the most. It was the weirdest movies that taught me that yes, us humans make mistakes. Mistakes that can lead to the loss of something or someone we love. It taught me that we should value the life that we have and live for greater purposes. Taught me that we should fix our messes, ask for forgiveness, and make things right. Aaahh....I feel like I'm talking too much about this one movie. But for me, it was one heck of a movie.